
I just want a board sir

So I am browsing for surfboard at when a worker says to me,

Worker: Hi, do you need any help?
Me: Well, I am just browsing for a cheap used board. But I really need fins first for my old board.
Worker: Oh, so why don't you get fins then?
Me: I don't have any money.
Worker: Money? That easy. Asking another person for money is easy. If you work for someone they can give you money. Asking another person to love you, now that is hard. If you work for someone they might not give you love.


Back in Business

Just got a call from Morgan that Morgan is fixed and looks great.
I guess I'll be opening shop this Friday!


Surf Report

November 29, 2008 7:30AM El Porto, CA

My center fin and a plug broke off in the sand today. I dropped her off at the surf shop to patch up by this weekend.


Surf Report

November 23, 2008, 10:00AM - Malibu, CA

Ryan introduced us to Malibu beach today. The man is a machine. If Ryan caught waves for a living he'd be eating steak everyday.

Kevboy had a monster day too and is definitely pushing to go down the line. Kev's been setting up his paddling at a an angle to ride down the line. He almost pulled through today.

I had a very slow start.

November 22, 2008, 6:30AM - Doc Wieler, CA

A day of shameful arse beating. The ocean pimped slapped me twice:

Mother Ocean: "Where's my money?"
Me: "What money?"
Mother Ocean: "What!" *Shapes salt water into 1 - 3 foot backhand*
Me: "This is going to hurt...*smack*....glug glug glug".

I went back home in 15 minutes.

November 15, 2008, 7:00AM - Bolsa Chica, CA

Kevin and Ryan were showing off their fearlessness during high tide and walled out waves

November 11, 2008, 10:30AM - Seal Beach, CA

Paddling straight with Juan. J came with.

September 5, 2008, 8:00AM - El Porto, CA

2 faces straight down. J came to share in the welcome back to the ocean.


Nice Ears

Ears are clearing up fine now. I still get the "tearing paper" sensation when i pop my ears - my worry is that when I drive to Vegas this weekend the elevation change is going to do me in again.

On the brighter note, I can't wait to get back into the water and off the video games. My lack of movement is encouraging muscle atrophy (not that I had any significant muscles or anything). I will be pretty bummed if the progress I made in paddling goes backwards.

The new nephew Luke, is holding up well. The little guy, unlike his older brother Ryan, doesn't cry very much.


Did not make it by Thursday

Still have a nasty cold and sore ear today. Looks like I am officially off the surf roster for this weekend. It will be 1 month since I last touched water. I got a new issue of Surfer Magazine in so I should be able to hold out until next week.

I get to take my 4 year old nephew (maybe Dawson too) to Toy's R Us. The 4 year old little man can read! Life is good when I am around the nephews.


I'm walking here!

I came back from my vacation with a nasty cold and an ear infection. I have to stay out of the water until it clears up. I will wait to see how I feel on Thursday before I decide if I am going to surf on Friday (it's going to rain my first weekend back - bastards).

Bigger news (didn't mean to post it second). I got engaged on September 16 in Saint Patrick's Cathedral in New York, New York.

A monumental day, we sat next to St. John Baptist de la Salle the patron saint for cathechists and teachers. Screw it, bring on the yams.

I came back from my vacation, sitting on my donut, thinking,

"What the hell am I doing here?"

New York, I love you.



Our two week vacation draws near. I am already missing the surf.

I ask myself everyday how am I going to get sponsored to cover my expenses. I have no clucking clue.


Surf Report

September 5, 2008, 3:00PM - Bolsa, CA

September 6, 2008, 10:00AM - Bolsa, CA

September 7, 2008, 6:30AM - Seal, CA

Changing Tides

Eric recommended me to watch the Ultimate Gift and Bucket List. If you know Eric then you're probably thinking the same thing as me.

The movies were great.

I had no idea the this weekend would mend my friendships. Now we rebuild.


Surf Report

September 3, 2008, 6:00PM - El Porto, CA

Han Solo and much of the same today. More nose dives then stands. I tried using the 10 paddling tip today, no give. My paddling was weak today, my left arm cramped up and I felt like I was swinging a noodle.

I saw my neighbor Carlos today.

Carlos (Waves hands): Hey! How were the waves?
Me: Pretty bad, heh, I did even worse.
Carlos: You surf during shark feeding time.
Me: Yeah, I read that. I need to pick better days and times. I still keep eating sh*t.
Carlos: That's the only way to learn it.
Me: (smiling) Yeah, I know. I need to go the Chart House
Carlos: We're there all the time, I was out there surfing on Monday from 1PM to 6PM. The water was chest high.
Me: I need to go out during that time, lot better surf.
Carlos: Hey you know what, who's your cell phone provider?
Me: Verizon
Carlos: Hey,*7873. Use *7873 to get free surfline surf reports. It's part of your plan. You dial in and punch in your area code and it's all there. You get all of the reports in the south bay.
Me: Whoa, thank you. I had no idea. Hey, I've been meaning to go to the Chart House, but I don't want to waste your time.
Carlos: Don't worry about that.
Me: Cool



Approach problems by breaking them down into subtly interconnected parts

Surf Report

September 2, 2008, 6:00PM - El Porto, CA

Still trying to pick up the paddling trick. I read that Mr. Slater suggest to count to 10 then hang 10, meaning, "Paddle 10 times before the wave approaches you". I want to try that out.

This day was an easy low tide day. Eric, Kev and I had a handful of nose dives. You know what that's a good thing, because we have the guts to go back even after going under.

I am starting to make paddling longer before popping up a habit. I was able to paddle and pick one wave today, it's a good feeling to look left and right and know/feel that you are insync with the rolling water.

Still riding white water. I had a chance to ride a short line close to shore, it was a tiny wave. I paddled sideways (per Eric's advise) and was able to stand up on one foot for 3 seconds looking at the line. Looked great, too bad I was off balance and ate shit.

Can't wait to go again tonight.


Surf Report

August 29, 2008, 6:00PM - Bolsa Chica, CA

Did I surf today? I can't remember. But I do recall surfing at night with Kev in shitty conditions. We were the only 2 out there again.

Checked out Traitor with Kev.

August 30, 2008, 10:00AM - Sunset Beach, CA

I messed up my phone this past Monday and missed Jeric's call to go surf. He was waiting in HB. Shit. I will not have that happen again.

September 1, 2008, 6:00PM - Bolsa Chica, CA

I will not surf on Labor Day ever again. Too crowded. I almost hit 2 people trying to catch the same wave.

Checked out Traitor with Kev.


Surf Report

August 28, 2008, 6:00PM - El Porto, CA

I hate the water at El Porto, I get a constant build up of phlegm. Eric rode out today had a few stands. Kev went down a few.

Hung at at the remodeled Sharky's after surfing. I wore my green adida shorts with my beer stained shirt. Good times with the boys.


Summer League

The Sensei bowling league finished today. Our final ranking is 6th place. A met a motley crew:

Kev (KPN): Crown on Ice
Claude (Spiderman): Jack and Coke
Ken = Crown and Diet Coke
Lisa = Washington Apples, Makes bad ass cookies. I had 9, I will get my baker's dozen.
Kevin = Doesn't drink. Pro Golfer that has played with Tiger Woods.
Jeff, Cyn, Viv, Viet, Erica (The Rookies) = Washington Apples, Chilled Vodka, and Irish Jager Car Bombs.
Justin = 299
Rudy = 300
Gerald = Washington Apple, cool guy that has been through some shit
Glenn = Huster man
Dean = Get's you to gamble man
Jessie = Cool man
Damien = Powder and resin dude
Bobby = Cool guy
Janis = Drink's everything, bad ass
Cay = Bartenderess
Kimi = Chilled Grey Goose
Jeff = Jager with a shirt that lists all of Vegas' strip clubs.

I lost shit loads of money.

Publishers note: I was pretty wasted when I first posted this. So i have taken the liberty of editing it.

Surf Report

August 23, 2008, 10:00AM - Pacific Beach, CA

Big party today.

Matt and Daniel stood up.
Dex hit his head.
Ron had a good 2nd day.
Gus and his friend Marlon had fun.
Nathan hates surfing.
4+ hours of surf.

Note to self:

"You going to catch that"
"I don't know, but I am going to try"

Bald San Diego guy: "You're going to eat shit the first few months, but after that it's fun".

Surf Report

August 23, 2008, 7:00AM - Sunset Beach, CA

I decided to look into Herb's spot, Sunset Beach on 24th Street. The misses and I found that Sunset hosts free parking, showers, and a clean private beach.

Problem is the seaweed count is ridiculous. Waves were rolling, short, but clean.

August 22, 2008, 7:00AM - Bolsa Chica, CA

Dex and I arrived at the beach and were welcomed by sting rays.

Surf Report

August 19, 2008, 6:00AM - Bolsa Chica, CA

Kev came out today, yahoo, went to Bolsa to find chop and flat waves.
We made the best out of it, though there was not much to work with.


Surf Report

August 16, 2008, 6:00AM - Bolsa Chica, CA

Dex, Henga, and Jeric.
I woke up at 4:00 AM to be at Dex's house by 5AM. Henga and I both had plans to be back by 10:00AM.

Dex caught a fish on his surfboard. The wave placed the small silver anchovy on his Blaster. Looks like the ocean wanted to welcome him back. Dex was hungry again today and said he could have eaten that fish. Dex's paddling is improving, he's paddling way ahead of the waves now and getting more chances to stand. Dex also paddled out to the "line up" today, I tried my best not to make my concerned face, but he definitely paddled out with confidence. Looks like his classes are almost finished so he should be able to surf during the work week at El Porto. Nice!

Dex has been talking about his paddling lately. He says he's trying to fix his left stroke:

Right stroke smooth, left stroke "splat". haha you'll get it next week for sure.

Henga's doing very well, best surfer out of the crew right now. He's picking up paddling quickly and he's even learned how to turn the board while sitting - all in one day. I saw Henga catch real waves a lot today and last week. By real waves, I mean the waves you catch at the "line up". Henga's getting extra surf time in during the week with a coworker at Zuma beach. Good luck to you mate in Zuma.

Jericho is doing very well for his second day out. He's getting the hang of Eric's board BUT needs a shorter leash. The leash gets tangled around his legs, poor guy can't stand with out getting "bear trapped".

Jeric's tip: "I got my suit on Froghouse.com. Free shipping on a suit that I've been looking for"


Jeric mentioned he might look towards purchasing a board. I have plans on rewaxing Eric's board for Jeric before the Big Pacific Beach trip on Saturday. I will also look into finding a shorter leash for Jeric. Jeric's make improvements on his paddling and developing his instinct on reading which waves to catch. Keep going man.

Yours truly, I still nose dive and I am still paranoid of sting-rays. I really held on to Dex's advice to put out 2 extra strokes before popping up. It's made all the difference. The 2 strokes give me the push I need to stay ahead of the wave and give me the ability to look left and right before going down the wave. I also find that the 2 strokes let give me the time to pop up correctly and go down the face. I was able to catch one down the face and see the white water break behind me.

Then the ocean said, "Don't celebrate early". I ended up closing the day with a nose dive and a fall backwards with 1 foot in the air pose. Not cool.

The rest of the day I was moody because I need to sleep. I don't know if going that early is worth it for me because I'm grumpy the rest of the day.

Kev is back from his 2 week trip. He celebrated a wedding with his family in West Virgina. West Virgina, New River rafting, running, and New York, all in one trip. Sweet.

Kev's itching to surf today. Looks like I'll be surfing during the week again. JOY!


3 Miles

The Track

Ant took me to the tracks and we jogged 3 miles straight. I have never done that before in my life. I was content to finish 2 without stopping, finish 3 miles was a huge accomplishment. My victory was not without pain, I started feeling tired by the second mile and my old-man cramps started at 2.5 miles.

Ant pushed me a little further, he wanted to run to the end of the straight away to completed our third mile.

We clocked in 10 min and 30 second miles (Laugh if you want, but that's not shabby for an old fat guy like me).

That was amazing, I hope we get to do it again.

We closed the day with a yakitori dinner at Shin Sen Gumi! Had a interesting meal and good company alongside our cook, Teppei.

Our favorite picks: Flat Marinated Steak (Flappy Steak). It was amazing.

Extra: I biked to work today. That was fun.


Surf Report

August 8, 2008, 6:30AM - Bolsa Chica, CA

Dex, Francis, Rithia. Sting Rays near towers 21, 22, 23. It was bad.

Dexter was the highlight of this day, you should see this kid's determination to stand. Dex was able to get up on his board a lot today.. Rithia showed us his Al Merrick board.

August 9, 2008, 7:00AM - Bolsa Chica, CA

Dex, Henga, Jeric.
A stingray attacked Dex. BOO!

I was able to catch (actually ride the face) a wave today. It was a damn good feeling. I saw Danny right before I caught it.

Me: Hey Danny!
Danny: What's up!
Me: (Catches wave)


Me: Hey Danny!
Danny: Hey man you caught that wave!
Me: Thanks man!


Bonus! Jeric made his first trip out today. As Kev would say, "The surf team is growing". haha. Jeric had a riot on the Black Diamond. He ended up picking up 3mm suit and booties! SWEET!

Jon and Ryan.
Side story! Jon went out to Seal Beach with Ryan. He said he stood up a lot of times today! Good job bro! We need to head out!

August 10, 2008, 7:00AM - Bolsa Chica, CA

Dex, Henga. Dex did not let the stingray let him down. I surfed 5 days out of the week this week. My ears hurt like hell and I could not paddle out for the life of me today. Before going to Bolsa we checked out Seal, couldn't find Jonnyboy and the gents wanted to go to Bolsa.


Surf Report

August 6, 2008, 7:30AM - El Porto, CA

Han Solo.
Grew some and went down another face today. Stood on a lot of white water. Cut up my ankle and knees. Need to ride that line at San O.

A kid thought it would be funny to throw dirt at me. The parents called their kid over and did not mind to apologize.


I decided to just head back in the water after my sandwich. I caught another wave back in. As I rode back to shore, a kid told me, "You did it!".

Moral of the day, stay away from evil kids.

My ear plugs are helpful


Surf Report

August 4, 2008, 7:30AM - Bolsa, CA

Han Solo.
Low tide and nice rolly waves = confidence booster. I took white water back to shore and landed on my bum many times.

I actually went down the face of the wave with full confidence today. I decided it time for me to eat shit while trying to actually "surf". While going down a wave the front of the board looks like it is just suspended in air. The back of the board should stick in the water if I successfully time and plant my pop up. And the board is always going to look like I'm hanging in mid air unless I catch the line.

I caught a wave going straight, the burst of speed caught me off guard, I stuck it out going down the face of the wave but fell backwards when it broke into white water.

Surf Report

August 3, 2008, 7:30AM - Pacific Beach, CA

Kev, Marney, Dex. We headed out to San Diego to pick up Kev's cousin, Marney.

Fun day.


Surf Report

August 2, 2008, 7:30AM - Bolsa Chica, CA

Henga, Jeremy, Dexter, Kev, Jon, Ryan. She was good to us today. Plenty of white water to learn on and enough space from the pro surfers for us to learn without having the fear of getting in the way. In summary, everyone had a positive surf day:

Henga rode on Morgan most of the morning. Morgan showed Henga a good time, catching waves and holding still for him to stand. That’s my girl. Henga’s looking to repair Jeremy’s long board.

Jeremy was on his 7’8” board and brought more confidence in the water. He borrowed my full suit again today (I really hope he did not commit cardinal sin and peed in my suit). Jer's on his 2 week of the GM Diet. I admire your discipline and strength man.

Dexter was impressive on the Blaster. We were side-by-side trying to catch white water. Here is an example of how that worked out:

Me: (catching the white water) Hey Dex! Where’s Dex? (Looks to the left)
Me: Dex? (Looks up)
Dex: (Standing) Hehehehe.

After finish the ride we walked back in to the ocean together. Dex smiled and said, “I was standing on the board looking for you. When I looked down, I realized I had to jump off to avoid hitting you”. My reply, “You suck!”. On a positive note, I watched Dex slide down a breaking wave with a clean style. Dexter's paddling is improving, the distance he clears with each stroke is getting further each week. Nice job.

Kev was out testing his new board. I stood witness to 2 of Kev's stands. Kev’s starting to figure out where he needs to position himself on the new board to get the most out of his paddling.

Jonnyboy came out today! Jon kept having to switch boards with everyone. He did very well for his first day out in the water. Looks like his bodyboarding experience kicked in to help him caught white water. His main concern today was learning how to stay balanced while lying on the board. At the end of the day, Jon caught a wave on Eric’s Black Diamond. Jon enjoyed the speed of the board so much that wants to ask Eric how much he would sell the board for.

Ryan showed us what’s up on his board. Ryan was either:

  1. Riding a wave towards shore
  2. Paddling out towards waves

Yours truly, I had to wear the bright pink spring suit again. I didn’t mind too much.

I had a fun day, plenty of stands in the white water. I even had a smooth drops down small breaking waves. I ammore comfortable with my pop ups now. I smile more too. He's glowing! My love continues to grow for you darling.

New technique, "Turning the board while sitting": I don’t know if I posted this yet, but Kev and I figured out how to sit on the board and turn a full 360 (left or right). To turn the board while sitting you need to straddle onto the board, imagine wrapping your legs around a tree, then depending on which way you want to turn use your left or right arm to pull the board towards the direction you want to turn too. While pulling kick your legs into circles to turn left or right. This helps you turn to catch a wave that you've been eying.

Shit Happens

I dropped Morgan for the first time today in the parking lot. Sad. I was focused on moving out of the way for a car that was parking. A friend, Herb, came out and heard the board hit the floor, he thought a car ran over it because of the large cracking sound. Herb was wearing a Save Trestles shirt.

Herb checked out the cracks and recommended using Solarez to patch up the cracks and dings. He offered his private stash of Solarez, but I had to refuse since I did not want to come across as a moocher.

Bolsa Chica Herb Tip’s: You should check out Sunset beach a few blocks down. It’s quiet and you feel like you have your own private beach. I just come here to meet the old friends.

My response: Another cool old surfer friend. I guess my friends and I are making memories now to meet up in the future aye?


Surf Report

July 29, 2008, 5:30PM - El Porto, CA

Han Solo.
Today's plus side:Plenty of ridable waves. Today's downside: Plenty of 5 foot "kill new guy" waves and freak rip tide.

It was not a normal day at El Porto (well at least for the new guy).

High Tide with Rip Tides. The reports online said the water was hazardous. As the Jamaican Tarot Card reader would say, "the cards don't lie". I almost pooped in me draws, oh wait, I'm naked in my suit.

2 waves pummeled me silly. Both times I got caught in the under tow. It was scary being under water for that long.

Shaken up. I exited the water and moved further south, following a surf couple into rolling long board waves. BINGO. Caught 2 waves that broke into white water before nose diving, still going straight, i can't ride a line yet. I'm starting to lean back to help the board flush out with the water.

The waves quickly got too intense for me again, so I sat out. The girl in the surf couple was getting tossed by the 5 foot waves. It was bad.

I went home


That's Swell

Kevboy put together a map with swell directions.
It is mighty swell:

Give Google Maps a run for their money with that.

Kev picked up a new 7"0 Becker board last week! Kev dropped the board off at Dreiling Surfboards to get it patched up and prepped. The gentlemen at the shop were kind enough to give Kevin information on which beaches to hit during each season because of the swells.

Kev's Wisdom: Good conversations with [Dreiling Surfboards Crew]. He says we should be surfing Huntington and Newport [because] of the Southwest swells, and maybe even Bolsa. I take it those are swells hitting on the south west side of the coast. Those usually occur in the summer. El Porto is the spot in the winter. Those are the times we need to look for the west swells. PV might also be more of a winter spot since they require more west swells probably more so than El Porto. So are we going to hit the surf today?!?

I wish I could have, stupid Cheesecake Factory.

My thoughts: Kev's going to end up learning how to rip on that board. It's going to be an interesting road to Al Merrick's!


Surf Report

July 27, 2008, 6:00AM - Bolsa Chica, CA

Another good day to learn.

Slow day today. We did meet up with Anthena with 2 of her friends.

July 28, 2008, 6:00PM - El Porto, CA

Jeremy, Kev and Ryan.
Bad day to surf, waves broke close to shore.


Surf Report

July 26, 2008, 6:30AM - Bolsa Chica, CA

Dex. Low tide nice clean lines in the ocean. I stayed shallow with Dex.

Dex had a good day today: 2 good stands and confidence treading in water.

Yours truly, had a slow day. Caught an opening wave.


Surf Report


July 23, 2008, 10AM - El Porto

Cold Water. Caught opening wave!

July 23, 2008, 11:30PM - El Porto

Slept on beach near surf camp near Imperial Highway. This might be where my Dad's friend surfs.

July 23, 2008, 5:30PM - El Porto

8 Nose Dives. 1 Good Wave and 1 Good White Water.


Surf Report

July 21 2008, 6:00PM - El Porto, CA

I experienced my first run in with locals: Meza, Juan, and Gabrielle.

I believe I caught their attention after I celebrated catching a wave. Yes, I actually caught one - paddled and popped up - I was able to keep my balance and ride the white water back to shore.

After paddling back in, I tried catching my second wave - I ended taking a nasty nose dive (pearling).

Right before hitting the water to dig for pearls, I yelled, "Ah...shit".

When I returned from my ocean drink, I was greeted by an audience of 2 laughing men. (If you read my earlier posts of friends nose diving, I don't blame the 2 guys for laughing).

Obviously, I felt pretty stupid.

I had to suck it up and try to catch another wave. Meza decided it would be funny to surf next to me. My genetic paranoia tells me, "this gentleman wants to dance". But my heart tells me to let it go. Damn religious guilt.

So the Meza and I are waiting for waves side by side.

I feel really uneasy next to him, cause I know what he's thinking - show this kid up.

A wave comes in, I see that he has started paddling first and I (follow surf etiquette) try to paddle over the wave. Too late. The wave broke before I cleared it, and I catch the wave backwards.

I knew that Meza would try to hit me.

He did.

Meza decided to fling his board toward my face.


I'm on the test your faith list this week aye big guy?

Instead of losing it (This week has put me on edge), my faith kicks in and tells me to drop the pride and apologize.

So I paddled out towards Meza, thought about Jesus, and did what I felt was right.

"It's cool." = Apology accepted.

Meza and I ran into the beach and shook hands.

I ended up making friends with Meza's buddy Gabrielle.

El Porto Gabrielle Tip: "This is a good day to learn. There's a swell coming in this week. We're here everyday man. Come look for us."

Hornet and the Ocean

Fear sucks ass.

Doctors surf too.

I met a surf friend, Hector, that has been surfing for 3 years. He shared a few spots with good waves:

Sunset Beach - Drive down Sunset Blvd to the end of the street

Ventura on C Street - This is Hector's "spot"

San O (Old Man's)

Time to hit the beach, beaches!


Nasty Lefts


Went to Costco and check out the $99 softboard. I might consider picking a board up for J and myself. J could carry it around in the water easily, I have no idea how hard it's going to be to jump over waves with or if there is a wave height limitation.

I wanted to pick up the softboard to help me get rid of the fear of getting banged up by Morgan as we nose dive together.

My inner little macho man is telling me to cowboy the F up. Save the $99 for a shorter board.

Now that I am standing more consistent, the ego inside of me is growing. I want to pick up a 7' by the end of this season. Before that happens i need to complete:

1. Paddling and Catching waves more consistently
2. Ability to ride across the face of the wave

Surf Report

July 19, 2008, 7:00AM - Bolsa Chica, CA

Kev and Dex. We had a good day of surf today and met ?Anthida? She picked up surfing a year ago and is currently dating a pro surfer.

**more to follow**

July 19, 2008, 3:00PM - Bolsa Chica, CA

Ross, Jake and Alex. I took the Chicago young bloods to the beach. It was their second time in their life to go to a beach in California. They all stood up their first day (must of had a good teacher, haha).

** more to follow**


Surf Report

July 16, 2008, 6:00PM - El Porto

We are making progress in our surf.

Kevin's able to stand up consistently with Morgan and the Blaster.

I'm not as consistent as Kevin but managed to stand on both boards.

And now,

An ode to my loves:

Sound Advice

You have to get a taste of my new philosophy

My darling Morgan revealed that I have to believe in me

When we ride I think I can’t handle it

But she holds me up and never stops building it

Love pulls me out of my insecurities

She says,

Lose your fears to keep your love

Trust in me, don't think twice

Trust in me, love is sound advice


I Make Baskets

July 14, 2008, 6:00PM - SC Basket Ball Court

Alex, Anthony,
Eugene, Jeric, Kev, Ramon, Ramon's brother, and Randy. For the first time in a few months, we played basketball: 21, 2 on 2, and 4 on 4.

Jeric made a special appearance, he has to drive 30+ miles. The man can shoot the ball from half court

Alex delt out jukes, tricks, and literally danced circles around me.

Randy was doing well but had to cut out early for a menu tasting event.

Kev used his signature glide move.

Eugene got eye gauged.

Ramon kept faking me out.

Ramon's brother got tomahawk choped across his head by muah (unintentional).

Yours truly, hit myself in the nuts while dribbling.

Good times.


Surf Report

This weekend allowed for 3 straight days of surf, or what I have dubbed, a Neapolitan Weekend.

July 11, 2008, 4:30PM - Bolsa Chica

Big Wave Dave, Kev, and Dex. We arrived at the beach late in the afternoon to discover overcast, cold water (lucky me, all I brought was a short sleeve rash guard and board shorts), little waves (if there were any), and one lone surfer in the water.

Despite the poor conditions, the boys were in agreement that we should go in the water and paddle around.

Low tide. We tried our best catching the small waves that broke close to shore. A pair of "pro" status surfers came out 20 minutes after us. As soon as the duo entered the waves picked up pronto.

Dex rode the Blaster today. He was getting up on the board and paddling hard, but grew frustrated because the waves were breaking too close to shore. Dex ended up sitting out most of the day to observe the amazing surf duos techniques. His favorite quote of the day, "This [the challenge] reminds me of snowboarding".

Dave was able to get up a few times on his board, he surfed on his own terms to catch a wave break further out from Kev and I.

Yours truly was able to use the short board and catch a wave back into shore. "It's too fast", was my favorite line. I was hauling ass towards shore and could not get a good pop up. DAMN.

And the beast, Kev, put on a clinic. It was a show of shows. Kev used Morgan (my 8'6" Becker) and took her for the ride of her life. 8 consecutive waves standing all the way. Kev knows how to raise morale on a "gloom and doom" day.

This day is Vanilla

July 12, 2008, 7:30AM - Bolsa Chica

Big Wave Dave, Kev, and Dex. Big D closed up shop when we just opened. It looked like he was in good spirits. He did complain that his elbow/arm was a bit sore. I hope he gets some good rest and comes out later this week.

Low Tide. I love coming in early in the morning. The earlier the better: Low Tide + Gentle Waves + Breaks in between sets = opportunities to stand.

Dex put on a show of his own today. He told us that the night before he psyched himself up using visualization (Check out Pickthebrain.com for articles on visualization and success) to help him conquer the deep end. Conquered.

Dex was focused on paddling out to the point he didn't realize how far out he was. What clued him in was my shit poker face. I was too serious and looked back, Dex caught my bluff and discovered he was too far out. He turned his board around and Viola! Caught a wave back in, standing. Cheers to you butterfly stroker. At the end of the day, Senor Dex was catching waves and standing at will. Line up, Dr. Dex is opening for business.

Kev, was out on his own today with the short board. Today, I kept close to Dex - the current pulled the 2 of us away from Kev boy, so no report on his progress. Kev commented that he was able to catch a few good waves on the short board - not an easy feat.

I had a good day - was able to catch a few going straight on Morgan. My very last wave resulted in a nasty nose dive. Dex saw it and had a laughing time. I'm not mad at all, it makes me smile too. Trust me, watching your boy nose dive is hilarious. Kinda mean, but its funny - like a fart.

We met a Bolsa Chica local today, Danny. Cool guy - scary to walk towards cause he's ripped, but nice guy.

Danny: Nice Board, Becker right?
Me: (scared) Yeah, thanks.
Danny: How big is it.
Me: (ready to surrender the board) 8'6".
Danny: Sweet, mine's a Becker too. 7'.
Me: (relieved) Cool, Nice Board. My name's Mark.

Hahah, I am still a chicken but always polite.

Bolsa Chica Danny Tip: Keep going and have fun. A lot of guys give up because they get frustrated. You have to stick with it and keep going. You'll get better, don't give up.

My response: I hear you. It's good to go surf with a supportive crew, like these boys. These guys help keep it going. Or else I would have picked up a new Nintendo game

This day is Chocolate

July 12, 2008, 7:00AM - Bolsa Chica

Han Solo.
The boys were knocked out when I made my usual wake up call. Kev made a kayaking trip with Daniel and crew at Torrance Beach to PV. He said Torrance Beach surf is bad, but kayaking is the shiz-naz.

Low Tide. Good surf day today. Man, I love going early in the morning.

I caught waves and stood up like never before, standing back into land standing.

I had 1 nasty nose dive, but redeemed myself and took one in.

Cheers love!

This day is Strawberry!

Dex's Goal: Float
Kevin's Goal: Curve into a wave sideways
My Goal: Say no to nose dive



July is a beautiful month for my family and I, not so beautiful for my bank account.

I celebrated 10 years with the wifey, my lil' sister's birthday, my parents anniversary, my mom's birthday, my aunt's birthday, my wifey's older sis's birthday and alejandro's birthday.

I couldn't go to my wifey's older sis's birthday because my aunt had her birthday dinner that same saturday - my aunt was upset that i didn't go last year. She always says that I don't like her house.

I had a great time celebrating my loves, but oh my wallet is in debt.

I lost my car keys at the mall today. Sad.


Ten, Ten, Ten....

Wow, I've known my friend for 10 years.

Makes me want to...


I love little doors and everything behind it.

J = Hot

The place was "cute", I quickly fell in love with the French/Mediterranean interior design: Open ceiling patio, clean white walls with blue windows, decorated with fine paintings and walls of wine. The inside of the restaurant was covered in beautiful plants and flowers. I would like to come back her this year and sit in the Blue Room or the patio again.


I was surprised that we were encouraged to take our time and relax. We finished half a bottle of wine before we ordered an appetizer. I have never had a candle lit dinner that felt "romantic" before.

Life was good:

A fine and generous appetizer
2 bottles of wine
Chilean Sea Bass
Moroccan tea
Creme brulee served with complementary dessert wine

I think the 2 bottles of wine put me over the top and made this night a memorable/i don't remember night.

If I could live one dinner over again, it would have to be this one.


Hickies are Funny

Cynt's 20th Birthday - Don Jose, Cerritos, CA

Happy birthday mi sexy sis.

The mrs. was the only one missing due to yoga. Mrs had a funny line about going, "I got to go yoga someones balls". Nice love, nice. Remember, it takes two to tango.

Pops was looking for my lovely, since there was an empty seat in front on him. Pops says, "We're not complete, where's your wife?". How sweet of Pops aye love?

I overate Chips and Salsa, Sopa, and half a chicken taco. I ate the taco because I get worried about my brother in law over eating or eating unhealthy. My brother's family has a lineage of heart problems at a young age. Bro is fit though, but he complains about chest pains every now and then. Best look out for my loves right?

So I ate his taco. "I prefer the taco to the sausage" - *movie quote*

I have been nice to my stomach lately, ate at: Al Noor twice, Sushi Cal, Disneyland, 4th of Juligiving, Don Jose, and Palms Thai. All in one week. WOW! I'm poor and fat again!

Pops got Popped

For the first time, Pops was satisfied with eating out, he had the Carne Asada dinner. He kept asking for more salsa. Pops got owned by the host though trying to score free salsa for home.

Pops: (Fishy Sales Man Tone) You have very good salsa.
Host: Thank you
Pops: Do you have any I can take home?
Host: Yeah, you can buy Chips and Salsa for $3.oo.
Pops: ....

Kids say the darnedest things

Eating out with the family if fun. My 4 year-old nephew, Ryan, is hilarious.

Me: (Stomach Full) My stomach is happy
Ryan: Why?
Me: Because I ate all my food
Ryan: (Looks at his Chicken Tender Plate) Oh, my stomach is a little happy.
Me: Why?
Ryan: Because I only ate a little

Kids are adorable.

Hickies are funny

I found a hickey on Cynt's neck.

Me: Hey, what's that!
Cynt: What?
Me: That! (Points) Haha that's a nice hickey you got there.
Cynt: Shuddup, it's not a hickey!

I run into Cynt and her beau before her birthday dinner...

Me: Hi guys
Cynt: Hi, let's go to don jose
Me: Ok! (Looks towards beau) Hey buddy i hear your giving out hickeys
Cynt: Shuddup!
Beau: What?
Me: Yeah, that was a nice one. When can I get one?
Cynt: Shuddup!
Me: hahahah
Beau: (smiles) I didn't
Me: Yeah you did, real nice there.

I walk out of the room and turn to see Cynt throw a paper towel at Beau.


Hi Larious.


Surf Report

July 5, 2008 - El Porto

Han Solo. Caught nothing but white water today. I am starting to develop the bad habit of knee boarding. I wore the Paul Frank bumble bee shorts with a rash guard. The shorts keep revealing my ass.

July 5, 2008 - Bolsa Chica

Han Solo. I woke up at 6:30AM hoping to go out with Big Wave Dave. I couldn't get a hold of Big D. I went out solo at around 7:30ish. I enjoy going this early. It would be nice to get the mrs. out here to learn with me.

Low tide. The waves were pretty small and made it easy to learn. BUT, i ended up nose diving 5 times. A surf lady asked, "How's it going?". I told her, "I'm eating a lot of sand, nose dived 2 or 3 times". She told me to sit further up the board, I ended up nosing diving 2 more times. Good advice, but bad execution. I still suck.

I look pathetic 98% of the time that I am out in the water: Board slapping my face, swallowed by white water, swallowing water, or my personal best, getting pulled under water then popping back up with the board on top of your head, real sexy. Despite the embarrassment
I hope that we'll start to see improvement in future posts.

The 2% of looking normal goes a long way if you smile and have fun. This is the only activity, besides helping at church, that gets me active both physically and mentally. Mentally? Yeah, we can talk about that more later.

I am thinking my guardian angel is giving me this outlet for the future. Nintendo made me a sloth. These days, I am having a lot more fun. Future Investment: Camera. You see a lot of pretty things out there and have a lot of great memories. Best preserve them.

I saw the old guy with the fisher man hat again today. That old man is awesome. He's always up on his board and smiling too. I was paddling in when he caught a wave. He saw me watching and tipped his hat towards me. I gave him the thumbs up. Cool guy, hopefully I can be just as nice and cool.

July 5, 2008 - Bolsa Chica

Kevin, Eric, and Dex. After my first trip to Bolsa, I made a second trip with the boys to Bolsa Chica at 2:30PM. I did manage to fit in quality time with the lovely: Sunday mass and shopping.

High tide. Had a lot of good laughs with the boys. I picked up a new FCS leash with a key holder. This would make our total board count to 4.

Dex bought a sun block spray and wanted me to spray him. Felt kinda weird doing it. But it was hilarious to over spray his bald head. Dex did pretty good with his short board, he doesn't realize it but he is actually going further out into the water.

Dex ran into an A Hole Surfer. This guy was either A. On his rag or B. On drugs. He was good, but he was not nice about it, he told Dex to get out of his way. WOW. This was our first run in with an A Hole in the water. A Hole Surfer ruined most of the day for Dex. I hope that guy wakes up and realizes what a jerk he is.

Eric went with a possible leg fracture, he went mountain biking the day before and wrecked his bike. I saw him nose dive (hilarious).

Kevboy was on point, as usual, caught 1 wave all the way in.

I'm in love with the Blaster. I borrowed it from Kevin, while Eric was using my board. I was able to catch and stand on a couples waves. At the end of the day, I got really confident and took the Blaster out 1 last time. I was able to catch some white water and stand up a bit.


Surf Report

06/26/08 - El Porto, CA

Kevin and Eric. Eric stood on the first wave he caught. Kevin caught a good one (long ride). No love from Mother Ocean today for muah, I spent it paddling. Where's the love, I use reusable grocery bags honey.

07/03/08 - El Porto, CA

Kevin. I caught 2 waves: First wave body boarded, Second knee boarded. Kalangot and I collided a few times, we thought we killed each other with our respective boards.

Spent an hour and a half paddling for waves.

We saw Brad Pitt's stunt double surfing: Brad Putt. Brad Putt was burning waves in front of me. What's worse is that he really did look like Brad Pitt.

After an hour and a half of watching Brad Putt rape the ocean, I told Kevin, “I’m done”. Kevin replied, “Alright let’s catch this next wave in”. I began paddling and eagerly replied, “Good Idea”. When I looked back the wave was at least 5 feet (looked like a tsunami to me) and broke on top of us.

When I was finished being told by Mother Ocean to suck her salt water, I was able to put my head back up and told Kevin, “That was the worst idea yet.”I had a big smile on my face walking onto shore.

Scoops with Lovely J

Took the lovely to get ice cream at Scoops on Melrose. I love the place, but f the parking. It drives me nuts, I turn into the Hulk. I had to drop the lovely off so I could cool down in the car.

I'm such an ass.

Once I let my little macho man pride go, I had an enjoyable time. We had a scoop of Brown Bread and White Chocolate.

I love Scoops. What is amazing to me is that 1 scoop at Scoops is equal to 2 scoops. Since when has 1 = 2? If only,

1 girlfriend = 2 girlfriends

1 beer = 2 beers.



Good-bye My Diet 1

I am 100% certain that I gained all of the weight I lost from the GM Diet in two days. I didn't go back to my usual eating habits, but I definitely did not eat bananas and milk for a whole day. I can't remember anything from Monday (Hung over from the cruise).

Tuesday's Menu:

Breakfast / Brunch - 2 Gaja apples
Lunch - Al Noor Garlic Naan, Basmati w/ Saffron Rice, and Paneer Tiki Masala
Dinner - Cabbage Salad, 1 Steamed Gyoza, and Teriyaki Chicken Strips (4 pieces)
Snacks - Water and Blue Ribbon Almonds (Sea Salt)

Exercise: Ab Ripper, Pull Ups, Biked 1 block, and walked 1 mile.

Wednesday's Menu:

Breakfast / Brunch - Banana and Milk
Lunch - Spicy Cod Roe Pasta with Wheat Pasta and Cabbage Salad
Snack - 1 Gaja apple
Dinner - Likely skipped.

Today I hope to go surf with Kalangot. I have been hearing that Pandas want to surf too.


GM Diet Day 7

The final menu is supposed to consist of brown rice, fruit juice, and vegetables. I did not complete this day of the diet. While on the cruise, my diet consisted mostly of vegetables, special k, and protein (beef, chicken, eggs, and fish).

On Saturday, I used the on board gym to jog a mile, complete ab ripper, and do a few push ups.

I guess the fruits of dieting for 3 months, surfing, and a few push-ups/sit ups are starting to show. I received compliments for losing weight from the friends I haven't seen in months.

I came home yesterday morning and weighed in at 168lbs. I lost about 6 pounds from the 5 days I completed of the 7 day GM Diet program.

First Goal: Keep a steady weight of 165 lbs. (when I weigh in at night)

Second Goal: Drop to 160 lbs.

Motivation: Standing on my board.


GM Diet Day 6

Biked to work today. It was a safe ride, no traffic and stayed on the side walks. The whole ride I was worried that I had my helmet on backwards.

Friday's Special: All you can eat vegetables and beef (Weird)

I brought carrots and an 8oz of steak for my meal before the cruise. While at sea I am going to try to not cheat on this diet for the remaining 2 days.

The wifey wants me to just eat on the cruise, so I don't waste our money. I complete the diet with her, so she knows she has my support. Plus, I intend to repeat the diet for 1 more week. My goal is to hit a steady 165 lbs. The lower weight will allow me to fit in my full suit easily or have confidence while surfing with board shorts.

Hopefully, I can leave work at 11:30AM.

Went on the cruise and had ground beef with a salad.


GM Diet Day 5

Today's Special: 6 Tomatoes, 20oz of beef (or 5 quarter pounders), and more water.

I made Stuffed Red Tomatoes last night: Carved out 4 tomatoes and pan fried 1/2 lb of lean ground beef seasoned with Montréal, Basil, Salt, and Olive Oil. Laced the tomatoes with olive oil and basil, stuffed the tomatoes, and topped with parsley. I broiled the tomatoes for 15 minutes.

2 tomatoes for me and 2 tamatoes for the wifey.

For some reason, this morning I have been a gaseous star (If you know what I mean), it must have been the cabbage in the GM soup. I feel fine today, my chronic condition took a day off. And I am looking forward to a broiled or pan fried steak.

The 2 tomatoes came out good. Would have been better if I could stuff the tomatoes with beef, crap, green onion, cheese, peppers, and mango.

Lunch came out good, 10oz rib-eye seasoned with Lawry's seasoned salt and pepper, parsley, basil, rosemary, and olive oil (I wish I could have added cilantro). Broiled 10 minutes on each side. The rib-eye was broiled medium well. I needed to add more salt.

Immediately after eating, I felt very very tired and sleepy. I didn't realize that beef could do that to you.

Surfing is canceled to prep for the cruise. I'm sad about that, but I do get to bowl for our league tonight. I want to work out later tonight, god willing.

Well, it worked out. I went surfing last night with Kalangot and Schriek. The water was warm (70 degrees), but the waves were flat. I got to catch up with my old friend from Texas. Welcome back man.

I fell below my low average of 141 pins. 3rd week so I have time to improve.

Went to sleep at 2AM to finish packing and to get the bike ready.

Tomorrow's goal: Bike to work


GM Diet Day 4

I woke up hating myself for having that beer. I have a chronic condition that gets agitated when I drink. The small amount of food in my stomach didn't soak up the beer, so now I'm paying for it.

Oh the pain.

I have a bachelor cruise this weekend that might awaken the chronic condition beast.

Today is Bananas, Milk, and GM's soup. GM's soup reminds me of the Pilgrim Soup that my elementary school made every year for Thanksgiving.

I had 2 bananas and a milk before lunch. I am not lactose intolerant and I will post if I'm putting more time on the ivory seat.

Easy day today.

GM Diet Day 3

I felt fine in the morning.

I brought Celery, Apples, and Water to eat for breakfast and lunch at work.

Big Wave Dave shared his GM Diet Meal:
  • Vegetable Medley
  • Chick Peas in Indian Curry Sauce (Winner of the "Saved My Diet" Award)
No feelings of weakness today, just the expected feeling of wanting to eat. My muscles were not sore from working out yesterday with Alejandro. I got very hungry for lunch and had to get lunch at 12PM, I normally got out for lunch at 1PM. The diet is starting to reduce the amount I can eat for each meal.

Hate to shake the stress away: Went to the top level of the parking garage for a few push ups and dips.

After work, I felt good and did Ab Ripper X again. I dedicated a few minutes to lift weights. I did 3 pull ups. Doing pulls ups are both hilarious and uplifting, when I was younger (teens and early twenties) I could even do half of one.

I went bowling late in the evening and had a lot of fun. My friend bought me 1 Heineken, D'oh.

Well, as a rule you never turn down an offer to drink. I went against my rule two times and the people I rejected never invited me to drink again.

In short, here's my report:

  • The Indian Curry helped please my craving for real food. I had to sit and watch my family eat a pot roast dinner, fortunately I had a bowl left of Indian Curry. When I ate the curry with all the flavors and spices I forgot about the pot roast and felt "satisfied".
  • Today, I felt like needed to drink more water
  • I felt more confident working out, lighter in my core.
  • I realized that I have good friends today when we went bowling


GM Diet Day 2

I had a microwavable baked potato with a pat of butter for breakfast.

My 2 hour snack in between meals consist of:

  • Baby spinach (no dressing or seasoning)
  • Baby carrots
  • Water
I heard my stomach growl before lunch, it's been a while. Thank the lord for my friend, she made an excellent vegetable mix for lunch:

  • Blanched asparagus topped with salt and pepper
  • Pan grilled, green and yellow squash
  • Sauteed mushrooms in olive oil topped with fresh parsley, cracked pepper, and salt (Blue Ribbon Award)
We added additional salt and pepper to our desired taste.

Overall, I feel fine right now. Nothing out of the ordinary:

  • No headache
  • No weird sensations
  • My body "feels' light and not "sloth". Sloth being that feeling you get after eating an Animal Style Double-Double, Animal Style Fries, and a Chocolate shake from In-N-Out (Don't get me wrong, I love In-N-Out and have always welcomed the food coma that follows).
Hopefully my friend's brother-in-law will still want to surf today. I want to see how weak this diet makes me in the water.

Turns out we did not have time to surf. I hung out with Alejandro and completed AB Ripper X and Chest, Shoulders. I snacked on Baby Spinach and Carrots.

I can do 3 pull ups!

GM Diet Day 1

Yesterday, I started the GM Diet to support the lovely mrs.

I had 5 apples, 4 glasses of water, and 2 chilled Vodka shots.

I went surfing in the morning, watched friends eat in n out, did 3/4's of ab ripper, 50 push ups, 5 pulls ups and bowled.

I went to sleep normally.

No headache.

As of today I weighed in at 175 lbs.


The First Step

“How about I call it Auto Joop?” I asked my friend with confidence. I already knew that she would love it. I told her that “Auto” was a spin of Otto, the real name of Anne Frank’s father and that “Joop” is the name of the main character in the novels that Anne Frank read.

“I like it”, my friend said. My friend is so cute when she’s predictable.

"Alright, I will. Thanks."