
Surf Report

April 29,2009 El Porto,CA


Classic Porto, but better than most evenings.

Caught up with Ryan on the way to Porto. When we arrived we started out on the rip-tide side. 2 hours of non stop paddling and surf today.

Opening wave goes to Ryan.
Today is officially, "Ryan's popping up like a pro on his 5 foot fish Day". I was yelling like a mad man when Ryan dropped in on the opening wave:

Ryan lined up with an oncoming wave at the peak, he paddled to match up with the wave, caught it, did a push up with his right shoulder down...

At this point I'm in awe because I knew that his shoulder dropped because he was picking when and where to go down the line.

..Ryan looks to the right, and the wave begins to break on his left, Ryan comples his push up turning the board easily to the right, and here's the best part,

Ryan's pop up was completed at the top of the face, just ahead of the breaking corner.

Yours truly, stood witness (yeah I'm still having trouble paddling out) to 4 of these pop-ups and yelled out in excitement.

The lifeguards at the beach were looking for a drowning girl because I was screaming so much.

No seriously, Ryan's upped the game and has left the curve, errr curl.

Seriously it's always good to have a motley crew out there with you to pump your day up.

Bonus: Confirmation earlier this week that Jeric's ready and Dex is looking for his new board.

I caught a few. My best drop in fell short, because when I began my turn I almost hit a friendly red bearded neighbor. We both said sorry to each other, how cute.

Ryan's tip: Make the last two strokes count. Paddle hard, then complete a push up (a.k.a the vinyasa) putting most of the weight on the side you want to turn. Eventually you'll be able to coast with the wave and pick out the side you want to drop in.

I trust that tip cause Ryan's on a 5'10" board, and even more so, I witnessed the technique first hand. Growth indeed.

Ryan and I both agree, it was a good day at Porto.

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